Category Archives: Vitamin C

Vitamin C can kill every virus known to mankind

by Jonathan Landsman 

(NaturalNews) If you suffer from fatigue, muscle weakness, achy joints and muscles, bleeding gums or leg rashes – you could be vitamin C deficient. Everything from the common cold to cancer can’t resist the healing power of vitamin C. In fact, there is not a known virus that can survive in the presence of this essential antioxidant.

If you would like to learn more about the health benefits of vitamin C; the best way to consume vitamin C supplements for disease prevention plus much more – don’t miss the next NaturalNews Talk Hour with Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Thomas Levy.

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How does vitamin C help to kill unwanted viruses and prevent disease?

Vitamin C expert, Dr. Thomas Levy says, “vitamin C is referred to as an antioxidant that donates or gives up its electrons. On the other hand, a toxin, infection or anything that causes a medical symptom in the body is a result of oxidative stress or due to a lack of electrons.” So, it’s really quite simple, if our body lacks enough electrons – we will get sick.

This is the easiest way to understand why a healthy diet – rich in fruits and vegetables (loaded with vitamin C) – does help us to literally prevent disease. Eating enough vitamin C, antioxidant-rich foods make it virtually impossible for our body to experience cellular inflammation. And, remember, inflammation is an essential component to just about every chronic, degenerative disease – including cancer.

Vitamin C has been shown to help detoxify lead, kill cancer cells plus much more

According to the work of Linus Pauling and the Linus Pauling Institute, vitamin C therapy has been shown to prevent, even reverse serious health condition, like cancer. Generally speaking, the Linus Pauling Institute recommends that healthy men and women eat “at least five servings (2? cups) of fruits and vegetables daily” – which provides about 200 mg of vitamin C. Obviously, if you suffer from any chronic disease, greater amounts may be required and not just orally.

Research has shown that as little as 10 mg of vitamin C per day can eliminate the threat of scurvy. Naturally, diseases like cancer and heart disease require much larger quantities. But, the main point is that health problems like, cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, gout, high blood pressure and stroke can all be treated with vitamin C therapy.

If you would like to learn more about the health benefits of vitamin C; the best way to consume vitamin C supplements for disease prevention plus much more – don’t miss the next NaturalNews Talk Hour with Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Thomas Levy.

Visit: and enter your email address for show details + a FREE gift!

This week’s guest: Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D., internationally recognized vitamin C expert

Discover little known truths about the use of vitamin C to kill viruses plus much more – Sun. June 16

Dr. Thomas E. Levy is a board certified cardiologist and has written six books on health-related issues. Most of his work has centered on how to restore and maintain good health in the face of the many different forms of toxicity that all of us face, typically on a daily basis. He no longer has a clinical practice of medicine and cardiology. Rather, he limits himself to research and writing at this time, and he is currently working on his seventh book, Death by Calcium: The Supplement that Kills.

Most of his work over the last ten years has centered on the importance of maintaining a healthy antioxidant status in the body. His work currently is focusing on the importance of liposomal technology as a way to optimally deliver vitamin C, glutathione, and other nutrients into the body orally, appearing to even surpass the bioavailability seen with the intravenous administration of these antioxidants.

If you would like to learn more about the health benefits of vitamin C; the best way to consume vitamin C supplements for disease prevention plus much more – don’t miss the next NaturalNews Talk Hour with Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Thomas Levy.

Visit: and enter your email address for show details + a FREE gift!

The High Dose Oral Vitamin C Protocol for Cancer (and Nearly Every Other Ailment)

I’m really excited about this post because I’m sharing some really cool stuff about Vitamin C that many people do not know. Or maybe I’m wrong and everyone already knows this but me… We’ll see.

This is a powerful anti-cancer protocol and even if you don’t have cancer, you can use this method to determine how much toxic stress is going on inside your body and how high doses of Vitamin C could dramatically improve your health.
Ok so we all now that Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is good for you right?
The body doesn’t produce it, so it has to come from food.
You’ve probably also heard that a severe Vitamin C deficiency leads to scurvy.
Early symptoms of scurvy are malaise and lethargy. That’s basically a “general feeling of being unwell” along with tiredness or exhaustion. (Does this sound like you?)
After a few months comes shortness of breath and bone pain. Further down the road is muscle pain, skin sores, gum disease, loose teeth, wounds not healing, dry mouth, dry eyes, and emotional problems. In the late stages comes jaundice, edema, fever, convulsions, and eventually death.
Sounds fun right?
Fortunately scurvy can be CURED with lemons, limes, oranges, and any other Vitamin C containing food.
Here’s where it gets interesting…
The cure for scurvy was first published in 1617 in The Surgeon’s Mate by English military surgeon John Woodall. And it was completely ignored by the medical community.
In 1753 (136 years later) naval surgeon James Lind published his discovery in
A Treatise of The Scurvy, which was also ignored. The medical establishment insisted that the testimonials of eating citrus fruit to reverse scurvy were merely “anecdotal” and not based on “scientific evidence”.  Sound familiar?
Fortunately James Lind persevered and about 50 years later citrus fruit was finally accepted and used for the prevention and treatment of scurvy on sailing vessels. So, in summary:
The cure for scurvy was ignored for nearly 200 years after its discovery.
Nutrition and natural therapies are still ignored modern medicine. In fact I’d be willing to bet that if you went to see a doctor with some of the symptoms of scurvy that I listed above, you be subjected to a barrage of expensive tests, misdiagnosed, prescribed pharmaceutical drugs, and subjected to treatments for some other disease. This happens all the time. Earlier this year my good friend Tony was told that he probably had cancer or AIDS, turns out it was viral pneumonia. Can you imagine?
But I digress… Let’s get back to Vitamin C.
Here are some common whole food sources of Vitamin C:
Oranges, Kiwi, Canteloupe, Papaya, Strawberries, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Kale and Peppers.
“Super foods” with the highest concentration of Vitamin C on planet earth are
Camu Camu FruitAmla (Indian Gooseberry), and Acerola Cherries. In that order.
Vitamin C supports nearly every system in your body: your adrenals, your immune system, your cardiovascular system, and more. Perhaps the most important is that it is aneutralizer of free radicals.
There’s been tons of ground-breaking research on high-dose Vitamin C’s powerful healing and anti-cancer effects by the likes of Fred Klenner MDIrwin StoneLinus Pauling, andEwan Cameron. I don’t have time to get into their stories but I wanted to a least give credit where it’s due. Google them in your spare time.
There’s a fascinating Vitamin C phenomenon that most of us don’t know about.
The sicker and/or more toxic you are, the more free radicals you have in your body, and as a result, the more Vitamin C your body will absorb and use.
The body keeps a small reserve of Vitamin C available for use when there is increased internal demand, but when you are sick this is quickly depleted.
You may have also heard (or experienced) that if you take too much Vitamin C by mouth you get the runs, aka “chach” which is our family’s abbreviation (and code word) for
“Diarrhea Cha Cha Cha”.
A healthy person can take anywhere from 4-15 grams (4,000-15,000 mg) of Vitamin C in a 24 hour period without getting the runs, but a sick person can tolerate anywhere from 10-20 times more. I’m talking even as much as 100-200 grams per day by mouth.
Have you ever taken Vitamin C when you had a cold and it didn’t help? This is probably because you didn’t take near enough.
Here’s where it gets ridiculous…
If you ate something that contained “100% of the USRDA (Recommended Daily Allowance ) of Vitamin C” that seems pretty good right?
It’s not.
The USRDA for Vitamin C is only 75 mg. That’s MILLIGRAMS. A normal healthy person can absorb and use between 4,000-15,000 milligrams per day. So the USRDA is way off on this one. 75 mg is basically what someone decided is the absolute minimum amount to keep you from getting scurvy. This is not an amount that promotes health and optimal body function.
One orange has about 150mg of Vitamin C, about 2 times more than the USRDA.
And 1 teaspoon of Camu Camu Powder has about 15 times the USRDA of Vitamin C!
Even though you may not have scurvy, I think it’s safe to assume that many of us may not be getting enough Vitamin C in our diets, the lack of which could be a contributor to
a) feeling lousy or b) serious disease.
High Dose Oral Vitamin C Therapy is taking the maximum dose your body can tolerate before you get the runs. This requires finding your threshold and then backing off a little bit for your daily dose. The clinical term is “titrating to bowel tolerance”.
As some of you know, one of the therapies I used to help my body heal from cancer wasVitamin C IV Therapy, which is a common practice in the natural/alternative cancer treatment world. This involves sitting in chair in a practitioner’s office for two hours with an IV drip containing 50 grams or more of Vitamin C. And while this is a very effective method to get a massive dose of Vitamin C without reaching bowel tolerance and to promote healing in the body, it is time consuming and expensive. I was paying $120 a pop, cash money. And in order for it to be the most effective you need to do it 2-3 times per week for many weeks.
My friend Bill, who’s healing his prostate cancer naturally, turned me on to a simple do-it-yourself Oral Vitamin C Protocol that he was put on by an underground cancer treatment expert whose name I cannot use publicly. Bill initially reached bowel tolerance taking 60 grams per day. After two months his tolerance was down to less than 30 grams per day. That’s a very good sign.
The Vitamin C Toxicity Test & Protocol
This is something everyone should do. Now clearly no one wants diarrhea on purpose, but in this case it can give you some immediate feedback about your internal condition. And it’s super cheap to do!
The simple way to find your tolerance is to take 2-3 grams of Vitamin C powder or crystals (ascorbic acid) every two hours mixed in 8 oz of water. That will give you about 12-18 grams the first day. Make sure you keep track of your doses.
Vitamin C powder is highly concentrated. 1 teaspoon is usually about 5 grams of Vitamin C.
The goal is to find your 24 hour limit, not your single dose limit.
The half-life of Vitamin C in the body is about 30 minutes. That means 30-60 minutes after you take Vitamin C, your body has used up most of it. So an important key to this protocol is to keep your body saturated all day. Dosing every 1-2 hours like I mentioned above is ideal.
If you reach bowel tolerance in the first 24 hours, reduce the total dose by 20-25% and continue to take that amount every day  as a maintenance dose (this may be for several days or weeks) until you reach bowel tolerance again at that level. Then reduce by 20% again and continue with that dose until you hit bowel tolerance, and so on.
It works the opposite of what you would expect because you don’t build up a tolerance. The healthier you become, the lower your bowel tolerance for Vitamin C will go.
If you reach bowel tolerance at 10-15 grams or less per day, you’re considered to be in very good shape health wise.
If you follow the steps above and do not reach bowel tolerance the first day, continue to up the dose each day until you get there. If you are seriously sick you may need to dose every hour or 1/2 hour as indicated in the chart below.
As you get close to bowel tolerance you will get gassy and should have soft stool. That means you’re very close to your body’s limit and should reduce your dosage a bit.
Here’s a dosage chart from the late and legendary Dr. Robert Cathcart MD,
who treated 9000+ patients with Vitamin C!
CONDITION      Grams Per 24 Hours   Doses Per 24 Hours 
normal 4 - 15 4 - 6
mild cold 30 - 60 6 - 10
severe cold 60 - 100+ 8 - 15
influenza 100 - 150 8 - 20
ECHO, coxsackievirus 100 - 150 8 - 20
mononucleosis 150 - 200+ 12 - 25
viral pneumonia 100 - 200+ 12 - 25
hay fever, asthma 15 - 50 4 - 8
environmental and
food allergy 0.5 - 50 4 - 8
burn, injury, surgery 25 - 150+ 6 - 20
anxiety, exercise and
other mild stresses 15 - 25 4 - 6
cancer 15 - 100 4 - 15
ankylosing spondylitis 15 - 100 4 - 15
Reiter's syndrome 15 - 60 4 - 10
acute anterior uveitis 30 - 100 4 - 15
rheumatoid arthritis 15 - 100 4 - 15
bacterial infections 30 - 200+ 10 - 25
infectious hepatitis 30 - 100 6 - 15
candidiasis 15 - 200+ 6 - 25
Something else worth noting in the above chart: If you are under chronic stress or engage in athletic activities like running, weight training, etc. you are likely to have an increased need for Vitamin C and your tolerance will be higher. Even if you are healthy.
Dr. Cathcart also notes that low dose vitamin c had basically no effect, but high dose vitamin c, when taken at 80-90% of bowel tolerance, produced a significant and dramatic reduction of symptoms in his patients.
This next graph is his demonstration of the relationship between dosage amount and symptom reduction. I had to stare at the graph for a minute to get it. What it’s showing is that disease symptoms severely drop off when near bowel tolerance is reached, but are not affected until then.
My Experiments
When I first tried this protocol a couple months ago I didn’t reach bowel tolerance until I got to around 34 grams. I worked my way up to taking 12 grams three times per day. I have no idea why my tolerance was that high. I workout 3-5 days per week which would increase my tolerance but perhaps I also had something going on internally… who knows?
Earlier this morning I took 7.5 grams and it produced bowel tolerance for me a couple hours later which actually interrupted my work on this post. Clearly my tolerance is down and if Dr. Cathcart is right, my internal health has improved.
Another one: My kids came home with colds from school two weeks ago. Then my wife got it. One morning I started to feel cold symptoms as well so I took 10 grams of Vitamin c. I felt great all day. Then close to bedtime I started to feel the symptoms again so I took another 10 grams. I did this every day for about a week. I would feel the symptoms in the morning, but I quickly crushed them with 10 grams of vitamin c.  Some days I would take a dose around lunch time as well if I remembered. I was taking 20-30 grams per day for most of the week, I felt good, I was close to bowel tolerance, and the cold never developed.
What form to take?
Vitamin C comes in several different forms: pure ascorbic acid and buffered with minerals.
Buffered C contains mineral salts like calcium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate, and sodium ascorbate. Buffered C is more alkaline but the excess minerals could be problematic if you are taking mega doses.
I compared three different types (buffered and pure ascorbic acid) to see if they had different effects but my tolerance was basically the same for all three. Having said that…
Solaray Vitamin C Powder is 100% pure ascorbic acid so it’s extremely tart and citric. Vitamin Shoppe Buffered C-Complex tastes chalky, not citric.
Thompson C Buffered Crystals is buffered with calcium ascorbate, it’s citric but not as strong as the pure crystals.
Dr. Cathcart recommends taking pure ascorbic acid for the high dose oral protocol. Dr. Thomas Levy recommends sodium ascorbate. I think it makes sense to rotate between different types.
*After writing this post it was brought to my attention that most of the ascorbic acid in vitamin c powder is made in China from GMO corn. It that is a concern for you, you should buy Quali-C Vitamin C Powder. It’s pure ascorbic acid, made in Europe, Non-GMO, no corn. This is what it looks like:
Recommended Reading:

by Ewan Cameron                  by Thomas Levy M.D
and Linus Pauling

The true history of camu camu, nature’s most potent source of natural Vitamin C

by Willow Tohi 
camu camu
(NaturalNews) A nutritiously dense superfruit from the Amazon rainforest, camu camu (Myrciaria dubia) is the most potent botanical source of Vitamin C in the world. With 30 to 50 times more vitamin C than an orange, ounce for ounce, this purple cherry-sized fruit has a sour taste, which is why the people of Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, and Colombia where it grows, usually make it in to jams, jellies, drinks, and sweet treats such as ice cream or candy.

Local common names for camu camu include, “rumberry,” “guavaberry,” “cacari,” or “camu camu” in Brazil or Peru, “guayabo” in Colombia, and “guayabato” in Venezuela, though some of these may actually be different species. Grown from a tropical lowland tree that likes water, it is found in the western and central regions of the Amazon Basin, next to rivers and oxbow lakes, or in swamps and flood plains. It has small, white, sweet-smelling flowers and bushy foliage.

In addition to the high amount of vitamin C, camu camu has amino acids, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, B vitamins, and phosphorous as well as flavonoids and hydrolyzed tannins. It also has fiber and protein, giving it a wide variety of health benefits. (

History of camu camu

The berries of the camu camu tree have been used by Amazonian Indians for hundreds of years. A highly nutritious food source rich in phytochemicals, it is also easily transportable. Traditional uses, besides food, include use as a pain reliever, treatment for infection, and to promote long life. Poultices were also made from the bark of the tree to treat rheumatism or as a topical treatment for wounds. (

Rainforest peoples make camu camu into a hair tonic also, using it to repair split ends and restore shine, strength, vitality, and silky texture. (
In the 1950s, the Ministry of Public Health of Peru conducted the first nutritional analysis of the native fruit, discovering its amazing vitamin C content. Almost overnight, camu camu became an indispensable fruit internationally. (

Still, due to the difficult nature of harvesting from canoes during the wet season, it was the 1990s before it was widely exported as a viable commercial agro-forestry crop. In the last few decades, many camu camu trees have been planted as part of a reforestation program by the Peruvian government, with the idea that increasing the export market, conserving forest, and providing income for local peoples would be a win-win situation. (

They also hope to keep it off the endangered species list, which is being caused by over-harvesting of wild camu camu. There are still some issues with this plan coming to fruition, such as the local people getting loans to get set up and effects on the different environmental areas. For example, camu camu is an important food source for the wildlife too, including the fish, and there is concern over pests and plant disease.

Modern uses of camu camu

In Japan, camu camu has become very popular. It is used as a component for multivitamins, energy drinks, sports drinks, and candies. Most countries outside the Amazon Basin use a dried powder made from the dehydrated juice of the fruit. The powder must not be heated or stored for more than a year to maintain its vitamin C potency. (

South Americans have used camu camu successfully in treating Herpes Simplex, Shingles, and Eppstein-Barr viruses ( The high vitamin C content helps to counteract the stress that causes flare-ups, and helps to reduce them quickly. It has no known side-effects or contraindications and can be used safely in combination with antidepressants and other prescriptions. (

The phytonutrients of camu camu promote health and fight disease by building the immune system. Biological actions include the following properties: anti-inflammatory, astringent, antidepressant, and anti-viral. Some studies suggest it may relieve infertility in men, promote fertility in women, and relieve chronic diseases such as Crohn’s and Parkinson’s. Camu camu’s high amount of phytochemicals also indicates it can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and neutralize free radicals. (

Most of the documented benefits of camu camu center around its high vitamin C content. Camu camu itself has not been widely studied, but those that are studying it are finding that its beneficial health properties extend far beyond just those of its vitamin C content. ( As with most nutrient-dense plants, there is much scientists don’t yet understand about not only the chemical constituents, but also their synergistic relationship, and how they work to fight disease and promote human health. Studies are ongoing.

Only recently available in the United States, you can find camu camu as an affordable supplement in some health food stores or online. It is often found in powder form to add to smoothies or a bottle of water.

Camu camu is a superfood. Superfoods, by definition, improve health and help you resist disease. The disease prevention benefits and high density nutrition of camu camu makes it a supplement worth adding to your diet. Be sure to research the brand and its source. You want camu camu berries from the Amazon rainforest, not from China, less than a year old.

Sources for this article include:

Vitamin C and beta-carotene help protect against Alzheimer’s dementia

by John Phillip 

(NaturalNews) Alzheimer’s dementia strikes fear in millions of aging individuals, as this memory robbing disease strikes one in eight older Americans and more than half over the age of 80. Pharmaceutical companies have lined up in an attempt to find a synthetic pill that will prevent or treat this condition. Despite spending billions of dollars on research, all attempts have proven fruitless in a desperate attempt to profit from the suffering of millions around the globe. Yet the true key to prevention may be in the bounty of natural fruits and vegetables so deficient in the typical western diet.

Critical support for the importance of a natural diet packed with antioxidant vitamins and nutrients comes from a group of researchers at the University of Ulm in Germany that has been published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. A research team headed by Dr. Christine von Arnim has discovered that the serum-concentration of the antioxidants vitamin C and beta-carotene are significantly lower in patients with mild dementia than in control persons.

This finding means that it is possible to influence the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease by bolstering a person’s diet with healthy foods and dietary antioxidants. Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by significant changes in brain chemistry that alter electrical and chemical transmissions that affect learning, memory and cognition.

Vitamin C and beta-carotene help clear dangerous protein accumulations in the brain

Forward-thinking scientists believe that oxidative stress from external pollutants, household chemicals and hybridized foods over the course of decades leads to this fatal form of dementia. To further examine the effect of antioxidants from foods and supplemental forms on progression of the disease, researchers developed a cohort of 74 Alzheimer’s patients and 158 healthy control participants.

The participants, aged between 65 and 90 years, underwent neuropsychological testing and answered questions regarding their lifestyle. Additionally, their blood was examined for levels of key antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, lycopene and coenzyme Q10) and BMI was calculated. Researchers found that concentrations of vitamin C and beta-carotene in the serum of Alzheimer’s patients were significantly lower than in the blood of control subjects. No difference between the groups could be found for the other antioxidants tested.

It may come as no surprise to natural health followers that a variety of nutrients from natural food sources and supplements help in the prevention and treatment of many potentially lethal diseases. Vitamin C and beta-carotene cross the blood-brain barrier where they help to squelch stress-related oxidation. In this capacity, the duo synergistically promote the normal clearance of amyloid proteins to help protect against Alzheimer’s dementia.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
John Phillip is a Certified Nutritional Consultant and Health Researcher and Author who writes regularly on the cutting edge use of diet, lifestyle modifications and targeted supplementation to enhance and improve the quality and length of life. John is the author of ‘Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan’, a comprehensive EBook explaining how to use Diet, Exercise, Mind and Targeted Supplementation to achieve your weight loss goal. Visit My Optimal Health Resource to continue reading the latest health news updates, and to download your Free 48 page copy of ‘Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan’.