Category Archives: cancer cells

Coconut oil ketogenic cleanse for cancer

by Dr. David Jockers 

(NaturalNews) Growing evidence is reporting that cancer is a metabolic disease characterized by cellular mitochondrial respiratory insufficiency. Cancer cells can only survive and thrive off of glucose and amino acid fermentation. A ketogenic cleanse has been proposed as a means of starving off cancer cell development. The ideal fuel source for the ketogenic cleanse is extra-virgin coconut oil with its powerful immune boosting properties.

Famous cell biologist Otto Warburg discovered that cancer cells have altered metabolism and are unable to produce energy through normal cellular respiration. The Warburg effect is the observation that these cells drive all of their energy from a process that depends upon sugar called glycolysis and they produce high levels of lactic acid as a result.

Mitochondrial damage and genomic instability

The mitochondria can become damaged from exposure to environmental toxins, various viruses and chronic inflammatory processes within the body. When this happens, the mitochondria will often lose its ability to produce energy through cellular respiration. The respiratory insufficiency leads to altered metabolic function and the dependence upon glucose and amino acid fermentation to produce energy. This process also results in genomic instability and mutant DNA formation.

Normal cells have relatively low rates of glycolysis and derive most of their energy through aerobic metabolism of pyruvate in the mitochondria. Studies have demonstrated that cancer cells have lost their ability to produce energy through the process of aerobic metabolism even when oxygen is plentiful. These cells depend upon rapid glycolytic processes for all their energy demands. Fast growing metastatic cancers are seen to have glycolytic rates up to two hundred times higher than normal tissues.

Cancer cells need sugar

Dr. Thomas Seyfried has expanded upon Warburg’s theories to show that cancer cells can produce energy through glucose and amino acid fermentation. In order to drive enough sugar to run their metabolic systems the cancer cells upregulate insulin receptors and contain ten times more than normal cells. This allows them to gobble up glucose and other nutrients from the blood stream at an accelerated rate.

The metabolism of fatty acids results in ketones that normal cells can utilize but cancer cells cannot. These ketone bodies provide a great anti-inflammatory fuel source for the body that also starves the cancer cells from their nutrient demands.

Ketones fuel normal cells and starve cancer cells

Dr. Seyfried’s research has shown that optimal blood sugar levels for cancer starvation are between 55-65 mg/dl and ketone levels should get up over 3mM and stay under 7mM. This is done through a process of fasting and fueling with healthy fat sources without any carbohydrates for a period of three and up to ten days. Fast growing metastatic cancer should go the full 10 days on the cleanse if possible.

Coconut oil contains a wide array of small and medium chain saturated fats that the body metabolizes very easily for energy production. Coconut oil is also rich in the immune boosting lauric acid which is converted in our body to monolaurin.

Monolaurin contains extraordinarily powerful anti-biotic, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. Unlike man-made anti-biotics and anti-virals these fatty acids pose no danger within our bodies. This is especially helpful since individuals with cancer have dysbiotic guts that are contributing to the chronic inflammation that may have caused the genomic instability to begin with.

Coconut Oil Cleanse

Take 2 tbsp of coconut oil every 3 hours during the day (8-10 tablespoons daily)

Drink about a gallon of clean water with anti-oxidant extracts (fresh lemon, turmeric, chlorophyll, apple cider vinegar, fermented herbal extracts, etc.)

Use natural herbal laxatives and probiotics to ensure proper bowel elimination

Sources for this article include:
Seyfried, Thomas. Cancer as a Metabolic Disease. John Wiley and Sons Publishing, 2012.

About the author:
Dr. David Jockers owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Ga. He is a Maximized Living doctor. His expertise is in weight loss, customized nutrition & exercise, & structural corrective chiropractic care. For more information go to To find a Maximized Living doctor near you go to Dr. Jockers is also available for long distance phone consultations to help you beat disease and reach your health goals 

Prostate cancer linked to high intake of protein and calcium from dairy

Originally published April 29 2013

by PF Louis 

(NaturalNews) The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPICN) is a multicenter meta-epidemiological (broad statistical survey) study designed to assess cancer risks by investigating past and current relationships between diet, lifestyle, environmental factors and cancer among a large population of different EU nations.

EPICN had a pool of 500,000 men and women recruited from 28 centers in 10 European countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom (UK) for several studies involving different cancers and groups with different lifestyles and diets.

A UK sub-study isolated 142,251 men from this vast pool, excluding Norway and France. Both of those nations had only women in the study. The men were recruited between 1989 and 2004 with a median age of 52, mostly white Europeans from the eight nations that had men in the EPICN cohort (group of similar types).

During recruitment, this male group taken from the EPICN required consentual access to medical records, no history or diagnosis of cancer proven by medical records, and were able to complete questionnaires on their diet, lifestyle and medical history.

Men in the top one percent and bottom one percent of the institutionally recommended caloric intake were excluded from this study in order to remove wide variances from their statistical analysis.

The UK study

The UK study, “Animal foods, protein, calcium and prostate cancer risk: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition” study was completed in March 2007 and its paper was published in the British Journal of Cancer in April 2008.

Animal foods for those in the study included total meat and meat products with their subcategories, fish and shellfish with their subcategories, and dairy products, including milk, yoghurt, cheese, and eggs. Food amounts were measured in grams.

It had already been hypothesized that a high intake of animal protein enhanced growth hormone activity to increase the risk of prostate cancer. Some non-clinical studies showed a strong correlation with milk to higher incidents of prostate cancer with the hypothesis that high calcium intake from dairy products inhibits the synthesis of vitamin D.

After an average of 8.7 years of follow-up, 2,727 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer among the 142,520 participants. The UK did not find a direct association with milk alone to prostate cancer, as other studies seemed to have suggested.

But they determined that protein from milk products, cheese, yoghurt, and others was a strong factor among those whose daily consumption exceeded the recommended daily amount by 35 grams (1.2 ounces) daily.

Calcium from dairy products was associated with prostate cancer risk as well, but not calcium from other foods. In the researchers’ opinion, their results support the hypothesis that a high intake of protein or calcium from dairy products may increase the risk for prostate cancer.

Opinion Despite statistical machinations to offset extraneous factors and with just under a 2 percent prostate cancer outcome among 142,500 men over several years of monitoring, one wonders how this can be so conclusive.

One may question if dairy products, especially dairy products from raw milk, increase the risk of prostate cancer. Raw milk dairy product intake was not considered in this study,

One thing is for certain, this study kept several researchers busily employed for a few years.

Sources for this study includes:

Complete study


Cancer, the avoidable epidemic

by S. D. Wells 

(NaturalNews) Cancer strikes every other man and every third woman in the United States, and roughly 50 percent survive it. The cure, we are told by the mainstream media and doctors, is under way, but prevention is already nearly 100 percent proofed. Who knew? How could you take certain steps to preserve your cells, your DNA, and protect your body from the silent killer which has a thousand causes “they” won’t tell you about?

First, study this list of six steps that keep your cells from degenerating and mutating, thus keeping them from multiplying uncontrollably. If you want the secret to the 9th ill-wonder of the world, and if you don’t want your life to be “driven by suffering,” take a close look at the six-step plan for guarding your life from the “c” word:

1. Get rid of parasites and lingering waste in your organs, your intestines, and your entire cleansing system. Any food which isn’t excreted within 24 hours becomes a toxin in your body. Parasites can feed in this way. Food grade diatomaceous earth kills parasites in your body, naturally! Research the many uses of diatomaceous earth. Also, kidney and colon cleanses, and even a liver cleanse may be appropriate for you. Click on these links and make an educated decision. Then contact a Naturopath Physician for more advice and guidance:

2. Get the “Fooducate” app for your smart phone. If you don’t have smart phone, tell someone you know who does, and get the FREE app that scores food, tells you if it is GMO or not, tells you if its organic or not, or if it has ingredients you are allergic to, and best of all if those food “agents” cause cancer. Get in “the know” with “Fooducate:”

3. Go organic, at least 75 percent of what you consume, and make most of that raw vegetables and fruits. No more “corporate” GMO pesticide laden food for you and your family! No more fluoridated water or artificial sweeteners. Do your homework and click on these links for details. Also be careful of everything you put on your skin, including shampoo, conditioner, soaps, lotions, sunblock, cosmetics and the like:
Stop toxic fluoridation of water; “The great culling; our water!” (free short film)

4. Get “Kangen” water or another source of alkalized spring water (pure). Find out how an alkalized body beats down diseases and disorders and heals damaged cells. Get natural solutions to yournatural body chemistry. Check out and find mineral loaded spring water straight from the mountains. Make the most of these resources now. Change your total food intake to at least 75 percent raw organic vegetables and fruit:

5. Don’t eat cancer! In other words, don’t be a human filter. You are what you eat and what you put on your skin. Learn about chemicals in foods, drinks, candy, gum, cosmetics, lotions, toothpaste, shampoo, makeup and more:

6. Get the tools for transforming yourself into 100 percent organic, so you can think, feel and focus to the maximum capability of your beautiful body and spirit. Take care of yourself. Awaken! Your mind and body should be running on all cylinders, all of the time, feeding off of superfood fuel and organic raw nutrition: (

Cancer is a chemically-driven disorder of the cells

Realize that cancer is avoidable if you live smart, buy smart and eat smart. Don’t fuel the “epidemic” which thrives off chemical food, chemical water, chemical skin care and chemical-laden medicine. Don’t fall for the big GMO lies and the allopathic doctor’s lies that contaminate your one and only body, the “temple of your soul.” Don’t trust the FDA and the AMA on food and medicine approvals. They don’t know about nutrition and they never have. Listen to nutritionists and the pioneers of longevity and “super” health, like Mike Adams the Health Ranger. Get the inside scoop on ideal health and powerful immunity, the natural way. Cancer has really only been an “epidemic” in the United States for about 75 years. Before that, there was rarely a case. That tells you a lot about modern day food and medicine!

Sources for this article include:

Beans, Beans, the Magical Fruit..


by Hesh Goldstein 

(NaturalNews) The more you eat, the lower your risk of certain cancers.

Beans have more servings of fiber than any other vegetable. One single serving will give you 20 percent of your daily-recommended fiber.

Researchers in Japan did a seven-year study. They studied more than 43,000 people between the ages of 40 and 79 that had high cancer rates and ate little fiber. The more fiber they got from beans, the lower the risk of colon cancer, especially in men, became. It was the bean fiber that impacted the colon cancer statistics more than any other source of fiber.

Other research indicates that the fiber in beans like garbanzo’s actually keep your body from absorbing carcinogens. When you take in fewer carcinogens, the less damage is done to your cells, tissues, and other organs. Less damage equates to lower cancer risk in the long run. It’s too bad that the same cannot be said for ingesting flesh foods.

Beans contain phytochemicals, which naturally fight cancer and free radicals, which ruin your cells and tissues through oxidation. The phytochemicals neutralize the free radicals before they do damage.

Greek researchers tested extracts from 11 different legumes (beans are legumes) and found that all of them neutralized free radicals. Not only that, but most of them also protected DNA from oxidative damage, which more or less explains the key to beans’ anti-cancer potential.

What about beans helping women thwart breast cancer? In a study of 90,000 young nurses, the ones who ate beans or lentils at least twice a week were less likely to develop breast cancer.

The experts assumed that the flavonols, again phytochemicals, block the free radicals, prevent oxidative damage to the cells, and encourage cancerous cells to die. All you have to do is to work at least two servings of beans and lentils into your weekly diet.

We all know there’s quite a fad about cutting carbs. If you are concerned, at all, about colon cancer, fagetaboutit.

The carbs in beans are a unique kind that the body cannot digest. As such, they wind up fermenting in your colon, thanks to the bacteria living in your gut. The fermentation produces a compound called butyrate that basically squashes inflammation and the abnormal cell growth that can lead to cancer. In addition, the indigestible carbs help give beans a low glycymic index, meaning a low risk of colon cancer. This is the super benefit of eating low glycymic index foods.

Theory leads to subjectivity. The researchers decided to put their theories to work. They took people that previously had colon polyps removed, changed their diets to include more cooked, dry beans, and after four years, those that ate the most beans were 65 percent less likely to see their polyps return.
All beans work, be it baked, pinto, kidney, navy, white, black, garbanzo, human (only kidding), or lima – all cut colon cancer risk. The more legumes that men eat the less likely they are to get prostate cancer. Three major studies found that eating lots of legumes, including beans, lentils, and split peas, dropped prostate cancer risk between 29 and 38 percent. If flesh foods are eliminated altogether, those percentages climb incredibly.

Another weapon against cancer is the folate found in B vitamins, which beans are a great source of. Eating high-folate foods reduces the risk of pancreatic and colon cancer. In addition, the folate helps to build and repair DNA. Too little leads to DNA damage and supplements will not provide the protection that folate-rich foods do.

But wait, there’s more. Bulking up with beans can help with type-2 diabetes in two ways:

1- As mentioned earlier, legumes have a lower glycemic index (GI). The GI measures how fast your blood sugar rises after eating a food. High GI foods make your blood sugar rise faster, whereas low-GI foods, like beans, cause a slower, more gradual rise. There are over 35 studies showing that diets filled with high-GI foods nearly double the risk of getting type-2 diabetes and make you 25 percent more likely to develop heart disease. High-GI foods create a spike in your blood sugar, causing your pancreas to release more insulin. So, eating high-GI foods creates a demand on your pancreas to produce more insulin. Eventually, the pancreas burns out and stops making insulin. This leads to diabetes.

2- Beans could be the single best food for weight loss. If you eat more beans despite eating more calories, you will weigh less than someone who does not eat beans and eats lower calories as well. Go figga?

If you are worried about developing type-2 diabetes, bear in mind that obesity is a major risk factor for type-2 diabetes. Not only do beans keep you slimmer, but you will get more fiber, more potassium, and you’ll eat less fat and added sugar. It’s a winning combination all across the nation.

But wait, there’s even more: high cholesterol, blood clots, insulin resistance, and oxidation all have a hand in heart problems. As an alternative to drugs and supplements, beans pit pennies against dollars.

If you took one third of a cup of black beans daily, you could cut your risk of a heart attack by 40 percent. If you ate that same one third of a cup four times a week, instead of one or none, you would be twenty two percent less likely to get heart disease.

Why would that be? Because the complex carbohydrates in beans lower the glycemic load in the meals. Then their unique combination of magnesium, copper, fiber, and alpha-linoleic acid will boost your insulin sensitivity, help prevent blood clots, and drop your risk of a heart attack. In addition, beans are an excellent source of protein, which helps to manage your weight.

If you have high cholesterol and want to take a walk on the wild side, eating half a cup of beans daily will improve your cholesterol numbers. And, if you are healthy, and you do likewise, you should experience at least a 10 percent drop in your cholesterol as well.

Remember the talk about phenols? These same phenols may also prevent hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) because the flavonoids in beans are natural antioxidants. As such, they work against the free radicals before they can attack cholesterol and oxidize it. That’s important because oxidized LDL cholesterol contributes to atherosclerosis. The best beans for this are black, red kidney, pinto and lentils.

Now for a treat: Brownies! Believe it or not, brownies can actually be healthy. Replace up to half the shortening with pureed cannelloni beans. That will cut away 40 percent of the fat, give you fewer calories, and taste just as good. A study was done that did this and it found that the beans did not noticeably change the yumminess, the texture, color, or tenderness of the brownies. And doing this will help you battle heart disease and type-2 diabetes while still enjoying a treat, plus save you money. Canned white beans cost 80 percent less than butter and slightly less than margarine, ounce for ounce and make a great substitute if no cannelloni’s are available. And if you want even less fat and cholesterol, use egg replacer, which also does not alter the taste

Curcumin slays cancer cells in their tracks

by PF Louis 

(NaturalNews) Curcumin is the active anti-inflammatory ingredient of turmeric. It has been used traditionally for centuries by Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. Currently, it may be western medicine’s most researched ancient medicinal herb.

Curcumin has been under scrutiny in clinical and epidemiological (statistical survey) studies by several researchers for arthritis relief, cardiac conditions, and other inflammatory based diseases. It’s even getting serious consideration for curing cancer these days.

Outstanding discoveries by even mainstream cancer researchers

On April 21, 2011, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, top Western medicine abandoned it’s normal research for new toxic chemo solutions for cancer to release a surprising paper on their curcumin research.

The researchers were amazed at curcumin’s ability to differentiate cancer cells from normal cells and create apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells only, while actually promoting better cellular health in non-cancerous cells.

The MD Anderson Cancer Center was very interested in how curcumin and other natural compounds affected adverse epigenetic influences from free radical damage due to pollutants and other sources.

When adverse epigenetic influences begin, DNA damage occurs more rapidly than it can heal itself resulting in a chain reaction of gene activation or inactivation that create cell mutations – or cancer cells.

The researchers concluded that curcumin (diferuloylmethane) exerts its biological influence through epigenetic modulation, a process that continues downstream staying one step ahead of adverse genetic influences. Very heady stuff indeed.

More recently, a study from Zheijian Provincial People’s Hospital in Zheijiang, China indicates that curcumin is capable of inducing apoptosis (cell death) within triple negative breast cancer cells. Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a type of cancer that defies conventional therapy.

A breast cancer chemotherapy drug, Tamoxifen, targets estrogen receptors. This makes the toxic drug less invasive to surrounding healthier cells. But TNBC doesn’t have estrogen and progesterone receptors to target, thus requiring non-targeting and more toxic chemo drugs.

The Triple Breast Cancer Foundation flashes pink like their sister charity Susan G. Koman and raises money that pays their solid salaries with some trickle down cash for dead-end research to Big Pharma’s never ending quest for high priced toxic ineffective chemicals.

Meanwhile, they ignore real prevention and natural, safe and inexpensive solutions for cancer. Here’s a reference for a list of several research papers on curcumin, many on cancer. (

There have been many positive studies on curcumin for cancer and other diseases. The good news is a lot has been from mainstream researchers. The two focused on here are simply the most recent and spectacular discoveries.

Even PubMed acknowledges curcumin’s anti-cancer capabilities for several different types of cancer.

Natural foods rich in flavanols, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) found in green tea, has also been explored to be used in tandem with curcumin’s diferuloylmethane as a one-two punch for cancer. EGCG inhibits excessive angeogenesis, or excessive blood vessel creation.

We all have some free floating cancer cells. When excess angeogenesis occurs, it helps coagulate cancer cell colonies to use the new blood vessels and thrive as tumors.

Using curcumin properly

Heating turmeric powder in milk and coconut oil with a dash of black pepper will give you a healthy tonic that you can use daily to mollify chronic inflammation and help prevent cancer. This combination mimics traditional Indian cuisine and is necessary to get maximum absorption of turmeric’s curcumin.

For more acute issues, high dose curcumin is also available in enteric coated capsules with piperine, the active ingredient of black pepper that enhances nutritional absorption.

Enteric coating keeps the capsules from breaking apart and exposing their fragile curcumin to stomach acids. This allows the curcumin to get into the small intestines and into the blood. If you Google bioperine (piperine) enteric coated curcumin, you’ll find several suppliers.

Sources for this article include: